Basketball Tryouts
Athletes wishing to participate in tryouts for either team must pay a $25 fee and are encouraged
to pre-register on the college’s website. Men’s team tryouts are limited to 80 athletes while the
session for the women’s team is limited to 50. Tryouts are open to all high school seniors and
current Grayson College students. Others interested in participating in tryouts should contact the
team’s Head Coach to discuss eligibility.
“We know there is a lot of excitement in the area about basketball returning to Grayson
College,” said College President Dr. Jeremy McMillen. “We look forward to seeing student
athletes from Texoma and across Texas compete for a place on the team.”
The teams’ tryouts will be held on April 21 in the college gym with the women’s team beginning
at 10am and the men’s at 1pm.
Men's Basketball Information
Women's Basketball Information